Open Question: movement of an object through a fluid?

9:13 Publicado por Flechado16

Home >All Categories > Science & Mathematics >Physics >Open QuestionJim Jim Member since:October 04, 2009Total points:369 (Level 2)I though about this while doing laps at the pool the other day. If temperature affects the viscosity of the water/fluid does it also affect the speed of an object through it because as the passage through a fluid becomes easier through lessening viscosity the means of propulsion should degrade at the same rate as it relies on newtons 2nd law to move forward. So for example for a swimmer in a pool would they swim identical times if they expended identical amounts of energy at different water temps or is there a variance.Answer Question

Scampi by Scampi Member since:January 23, 2011Total points:1,111 (Level 3)I saw a shallow diver on TV the other day, and he said he likes the water to be as close to freezing as possible because it makes the water slightly thicker. Not sure it is really noticable with Humans swimming through it as their speed varies each time anyway.

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