Open Question: Do you think it's coincidence?

23:53 Publicado por Flechado16

Do you think it's just a coincidence that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and we've had a lot of bad things going on in the world? I mean, I know this stuff has happened for years and years but it seems like it's picking up a bit. I don't know whether to be worried or not?

I've heard so many theories about planet X, Nibiru, meteors/asteroids/comets hitting earth, dwarf stars/planets, etc. etc. etc. I've heard about theories about the illuminati, haarp, and so many other things and I just don't know what to think. Sometimes I just laugh at the fact that people are being paranoid, but then sometimes I wonder if they have a point...has the world ever been in this state?

What's your take??

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