Open Question: What graduate schools should I aim for?
My credentials
3.0 GPA Culmative 3.2 GPA Physcs
900 GRE Physics 740 GRE Qualitative
Research Experience in theoretical biophysics for about 1.5 years at the time of applying
Society of Physics Students Vice President
(For SPS created projects for students)
Diagnostic Technician on 2 - Terrawatt Z Pinch at National Terrawatt facility
Software Developer Intern in Highschool.
Took One grad class in atomic physics and survived with a B+. It was fun
I have C's in my 4 chemistry and 2 Biology classes, but all my physics and other classes are B's and A's. I used to be in biochem but I dropped it because I was unhappy with that major... I loved physics way more. I've taken nothing but Sr credits since my freshman year in very advance courses. I also will have enough credits to dual major in engineering physics and minor in EE. I'm just trying to paint an accurate picture of myself.
So for a masters in EE should I apply to the top 25 percent, 50 percent, or 75 percent? What about for a PhD in Physics or EE?
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