Open Question: How hard is organic chemistry?

20:36 Publicado por Anónimo

OMG.. it's terrible.. change your major.. as fast as you can

Seriously now.. I TA'd it in college fyi.. it's not that bad.

general chemistry.. which you have completed now... is a lot of concepts.. and lot of math.. learning the basics.. right? Organic chemistry is different. It's a lot of memorization with very little math.

There are essentially 3 topics in organic chem. 1) nomenclature... It's like learning a new language and you're going to have to study this. 2) reactions. molecules in organic chem are classified by their functional groups. amines.. ketones.. carboxylic acids.. etc.. and each group reacts and is sythesized differently. You need to learn the reactions.. 3) chemical and instrumental analysis.. you're going to be using tools to determine which structural groups are present.

again.. organic chemistry involves more memorization and less math than general chem and that means you have to study.

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