Open Question: I need help with some physics questions....?

5:06 Publicado por Nadim

1. In the equation C=k((x^2 * v^2)/mt), k is a constant and C has dimensions (M(L^2)/T^2). Find the dimensions of constant k.
My guess is M^2*T but I'm not sure...

2. If x and t represent position and time, what are the dimensions of a in: x = (1/2) a (t^2)
i dont understand what the dimensions of x are, so i cant figure out what the dimensions of a are.

3. Silver has a density of 13.58 g/cm^3. One mole of any substance is 6.022 x 10^23 particles and silver is 200.59 grams. What is your estimate of the radius of a silver atom. Is your estimate likely to be high or low? Explain?

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