Open Question: Is there something different about the genes of my bluebelly?

11:17 Publicado por Flechado16

I have a Western Fence lizard that I've had for about a year now.

Now usually, when it is cold out, a Western Fence Lizard will shift to a blackish color in order to absorb more sunlight. When it starts warming up, the lizard will turn back to its regular grayish-brown pigment.

Mine's different. When it is getting cold, he turns a shade of gray-brown slightly lighter than normal, and when it gets hot out, he goes dark. I have other bluebellies and he seems to be the only one with this thing, save for another lizard outside.

So could this pigment reversal be a genetic problem? I assume it's a problem because turning dark in the heat isn't exactly a good thing.

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