Open Question: Easy problems related to Newton's Laws, Help please!!!!?

21:40 Publicado por Flechado16

Suppose you are standing in the aisle of a bus that travels along a straight road at 100 km/ hr. If you hold a pencil still above your head. Then relative to the bus, the velocity of the pencil is 0 km/ hr, and relative to the road, the pencil has a horizontal velocity of:
a) less than 100 km/ hr
b) 100 km/ hr
c) more than 100 km/ hr

Suppose you release the pencil. While it is dropping, and relative to the road, the pencil still has a horizontal velocity of:
a) less than 100 km/ hr
b) 100 km/ hr
c) more than 100 km/ hr

This means that the pencil will strike the floor at a place directly:
a) behind you
b) at your feel below your hand
c) in front of you

Relative to you, the way the pencil drops
a) is the same as if the bus were at rest
b) depends on the velocity of the bus

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