Open Question: for perpetual motion, couldn't you use a external energy source to start it up?
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Corn Member since:March 23, 2009Total points:1,181 (Level 3)and than use the perpetual motion for the rest? like starting up a fan in a circular tube with a battery and than the fan use power itself with its own wind. i just feel like we're not trying as hard as the famous scientists, like Edison and Einstein, would.Answer Question
by grendle Member since:February 12, 2011Total points:57 (Level 1)of course, but it still will not keep going because of gravity and friction
by Biker T Member since:June 25, 2007Total points:4,258 (Level 4)wouldnt work. heat losses. friction of the air on the walls of the tube. but to start anything almost by definition requires an external force.
by Dad Member since:June 08, 2011Total points:127 (Level 1)The problem with that is the battery would eventually use more energy than the fan could produce and die.Perpetual motion must produce more energy than its consume to be in true form.An excellant example of perpetual motion that should and could be used though is magnetics.You know how magnets repel one another when the polarity is reversed?If the are round or mounted to something that can spin they can propel themselves.Look up perpetual motion magnetics on youtube.They have the Tech...question is why not use it.....
by Eric Cartman Member since:October 31, 2009Total points:692 (Level 2)I believe it's the 2nd law of thermodynamics, namely that energy flows from more useful to less useful forms. Except in a Roadrunner cartoon, & Wile E. Coyote is dropping a huge anvil, which in turn hits some wires & slingshots the anvil way up above the height poor Mr. Coyote dropped it from, comes back down,clipping the ledge sticking out from the cliff that supports him & sending him falling to his(?).

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