Open Question: How do you solve this problem? (x plus or minus square root 12)^2=10?

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Home >All Categories > Science & Mathematics >Mathematics >Open Questioncrystalqueenserenity crystalq... Member since:May 05, 2007Total points:691 (Level 2)Show me each step please because I have never worked such a problem. I would appreciate your assistance with the work so that I can learn and do the rest of the similar problems. Thank you! The first person with the best answer will get the points! :)Answer Question

Charles by Charles Member since:March 11, 2011Total points:493 (Level 2)Take root both side you will get
(x plus.minus root 12 ) = plus.Minus root 10
now you have 4 cases that
1. + +
2. + -
3. - -
4. - +
answers are
1. Root 10- root12
2. -Root 10- root12
3. -Root 10 +root12
4. Root 10 + root12

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