Open Question: Is there a demon or some kind of presence in my house?

10:54 Publicado por Flechado16

Home >All Categories > Science & Mathematics >Alternative >Paranormal Phenomena >Open QuestionAllyah Marie Allyah Marie Member since:January 23, 2011Total points:15 (Level 1)First let me start out by saying i used to see my gaurdian angels when I was younger, I stopped around age 3 and couldn't see them anymore, I don't remember seeing any of them but I'll go and ask some family members and they all have the exact same story, so yes, I used to see my 3 guardian angels. I always have an eerie feeling in my house, it got so bad I had to switch my room because the feeling got so strong. My cat meows at nothing, my mom sees ghosts of loved ones that passed away, I'm a Christian but I'm not obsessive with religion, I don't watch scary movies, read scary stories, dint go in haunted houses or on hayrides during Halloween, I HATE scary! What could it be?Answer Question

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